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Mr Naidoo (far right) presents the Sol Plaatje Univesity Annual report to Mr Taba (Headmaster) and Mr Mafaro (SGB Chairman)

The newly appointed KHS School Governing Body spent their Saturday at the school in an Induction and Strategic Planning Meeting. Mr. Taba and Mr. Moilwa did a sterling job of educating the new members on what is expected of them. Mr. Rathnun Naidoo, the Sol Plaatje University Registrar was the Guest of Honour. His talk on "Conflict of Interest and Ethics in Leadership" can best be described as galvanising. Mr. Naidoo brought greetings from the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Andrew Crouch and he presented the 2019 Sol Plaatje University Annual Report to the Headmaster and School Governing Body Chairman. This was the first of many steps to strengthen relations between the school and the University and the anticipated cohesion in the important areas of Academics, Sports Facilities, and Culture. The day was a success as by the end of it, it was clear to every member that teamwork, commitment, and diligence are the way to winning in the quest to take the school from good to great.

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