Our highly qualified staff offer 100% service and consequently demand whole-hearted commitment from every boy in a friendly environment rich in vision, productivity, motivation and professionalism.
We have a superb school library, text reproduction facilities and progressive computer facilities, all of which are harnessed in the course of giving each child the best possible advantages.

Subjects we offer our students
Grade 8 & 9
English Home Language
Afrikaans / Setswana First Additional Language
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Creative Arts (Drama/Visual Arts/Music)
Life Orientation
Economic Management Sciences
Grade 10 - 12
English Home Language
Afrikaans / Setswana First Additional Language
Mathematics Literacy OR Mathematics
Life Orientation
Life Sciences OR Business Studies OR Engineering Graphics and Design
Visual Arts OR Geography OR Accounting OR Music
Physical Sciences OR History
Dress code for students at Kimberley Boys' High School
Compulsory School Uniform:
KHS blazer and tie (prescribed); blazers are worn in winter and at important occasions.
Long, grey trousers, knee length grey shorts may be worn in summer with the prescribed long grey school socks. Grade 12 learners may wear black school trousers (not chinos), instead of grey trousers.
Long-sleeved, white, collared shirt. Short-sleeved, white collared shirt – must button to the top for tie (can be worn in summer).
Grey KHS jersey/KHS pull over with the black and white stripe (prescribed); jersey/pull over may NOT be worn without a blazer.
Black woollen scarf with two black stripes on either end; may only be worn with winter uniform.
Grey socks. Matriculants MUST wear black socks with black trousers.
Plain, black leather lace-up school shoes (no buckles or slip-on shoes or no suede shoes)
Plain, black leather belt
Plain, black canvas school briefcase (4 or more drawers)
KHS sports bag (prescribed)
KHS tracksuit (prescribed)
A plain black beanie may be worn on the way to school during winter months but must be removed upon entering the school buildings.
KHS black peak cap (prescribed) may be worn on the way to school but must be removed upon entering the school buildings.
Hair: must be clean, short and tidy. Hair must be combed every day. Hair must be level and flat at the top of the head. Braiding, “spikey” hair-do's, twists, side burns and dreadlocks are strictly forbidden. No relaxing of hair. No obvious lines or patterns cut into the hair. No colouring or bleaching of hair. Matrics: after the matric dance, hairstyles MUST return to the school's regulations.
Shaving: Learners must be clean shaven with sideburns not longer than the middle of the ear. Muslim learners who do not shave as a result of religious observance must do so in accordance with the Religious Policy of KHS.